Upcoming Events
Drug-Free Dash (5K run, 2 mile walk): April 12, 2025
Adults and youth of all ages are invited to the annual CSHE Drug-Free Dash and get a “Natural High”, without any of the bad effects from drugs and alcohol! For more information and to register, go to https://raceroster.com/events/2025/97731/drug-free-dash
P.E.P. Talk: These Parent Workshops are about topics of concern to parents, guardians, and concerned citizens related to substance misuse in Elgin youth. The informative presentations are given by various members of the coalition, or special guest speakers with subject area expertise, followed by time to ask questions. Held quarterly throughout the year at Gail Borden Public Library. Each attendee will receive a CSHE gift bag full of valuable resources, and gift coupons to Elgin-area businesses like Culver’s and Danny’s Pizza!
11/02/21 EPD Halloween Extravaganza
10/23/21 Bridging the Gap of Substance Misuse
10/14/21 WRMN Radio Show Explaining Drug Take Back Day
10/13/21 Mayoral Proclamation at City Hall for Red Ribbon Week
10/9/21: Photovoice Interview at Gail Borden Library
8/30/21: Narcan Training at Poiema
8/14/21: Dixon's BackToSchool BBQ & Backpack Giveaway
8/3/21: National Night Out
7/24/21: GCCC's Carnival of Life Fest
7/17/21 Back to School Backpack Giveaway
6/15/21 Hanging of bottle neckers at local stores and gas station with youth
9/16/20 Addiction and Prevention During COvid-19: Current Trends in Opioids, Alcohol, and Marijuana
10/24/19 Club Lite: Dance Club for Youth
8/13/19 Opioid 101 & Naloxone Training
8/6/19 National Night Out Tuesday
5/17/18 Club Lite (Middle School)
4/27/19 National Drug Take Back Day
3/26/19 Opioids 101 and Naloxone Training